Investments in IT: Games, applications, websites


The IT industry is experiencing explosive growth, according to WISP (NY:USA:2019) growth in information technology for 2018-2019 was 455%. Enormous growth for any field. In this regard, more and more investors are looking towards investing in the development of games and mobile applications in order to increase their capital. So, for example, one of our investors, Nikita Yastrebov, invested in the Skin Planet project - with an input of 2 million rubles, in nine months he received a project that brings up to $ 1,500 per day of net profit - a high payback. According to our experience, you can enter the market with at least 1 million rubles, up to 25 million rubles. At the same time, in inept hands, it may turn out this way - that a project for 25 million rubles brings as much as for 5 million rubles. Trust market leaders, invest in professionals with investment experience.

According to a survey by digital world USA conducted in Baltimore in 2018, 96 out of 100 respondents believe that in 20-30 years our world will be restructured IT industry, which will provoke even more rapid growth.

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Investment in the future

Why investments in IT are very profitable? This is due both to the growth of the industry of the market itself, and the growth of gadget technology, smartphones and their productive capacities. A couple of years ago, it was hard to imagine that on a mobile phone you can play a full-fledged online strategy while driving, on the subway, or on an airplane. The Internet is penetrating the pores of our world, devices are becoming more perfect, as are our capabilities.