
What to choose: app, responsive website or mobile version?

Crocoapps editorial

Crocoapps editorial

Reading time: 3 minutes

Modern people are increasingly using mobile devices, and computers are gradually becoming less necessary. For this reason, site owners need to think about how to adapt their resources to phones. There are 3 main options that you should get to know as closely as possible.

Responsive website

In other words, the resource will adapt to different devices, displaying equally well on them. This applies not only to computers and mobile phones, but also tablets. Responsive design is a good option for sites that have complex functionality that is difficult to fit on a small screen. The main disadvantage of this type of site is the increased loading time of the text and all images.

Mobile site

If you don't want to develop a responsive site, you can create a separate mobile version. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the weight of all pages is compressed, and unnecessary elements are completely absent. It will be much easier for users visiting the portal to get acquainted with the necessary information and then place an order.

The disadvantage is that the portal owner will have to monitor 2 sites at the same time, constantly making changes to them. At the same time, it is possible to use one database to perform transformations only in the main site. For this reason, before buying a designer, you should clarify this point.

Mobile Application

It is a program, not a website, that should be installed on a smartphone. Based on this, both advantages and disadvantages can be distinguished.

The application must be installed on a mobile device or tablet. This will allow you to access the information you need without even connecting to the Internet. In addition, each user will be able to use the functions and interface that they are already used to. At the same time, this can be considered a serious drawback. The fact is that not all clients want to “clog” the device’s memory by planning to perform a minute action. It cannot be ruled out that after receiving the necessary information, the application will be deleted.

Website owners should be prepared for the fact that developing applications for phones is very difficult, and this requires large financial investments. Undoubtedly, there are many special tools that simplify the process. However, only professionals will be able to develop applications.

We can say that mobile applications are useful only to those people who can interest their customers for a long time. For example, it will be useful for psychologists to develop an application that will contain various articles, tests, and more.

If a site owner is thinking about the need to create mobility for his portal, first you need to analyze which devices users visit most often. In most cases, a mobile option will suffice. If a person plans to create a new resource, you should immediately choose an adaptive design.


Crocoapps editorial

Crocoapps editorial