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What is copywriting and rewriting

Copywriting and rewriting - differences and similarities

Crocoapps editorial

Crocoapps editorial

Reading time: 7 minutes

In the information space, there are many texts of different types: technical, advertising, selling, informational.

The creation of articles is done by specialists: copywriters and rewriters.

Rewriting and copywriting are two different concepts, but they have some similarities.

Both specialists work with the text (write and make corrections). The difference is that the copywriter writes the material himself, based on his expertise, and the rewriter creates his own based on the finished text, rewriting the articles in his own words.

Rewriting definition

Rewriting is the creation of text based on what others have already written. The rewriter must make the text structured and understandable for readers.

The result of the work will be a rewritten, but unique text.

There are two types of rewriting:

  1. Surface. The rewriter is given the text, and he rewrites it in his own words, without using additional sources.


Source: In order to work as a freelancer, you need to have certain knowledge and skills.

Edited: Freelancing requires specific knowledge and skills.

Surface rewriting does not always require a specialist. Some organizations use special programs - synonymizers that replace words with synonyms.

Using a synonymizer for rewriting
  1. Deep rewriting. The specialist has a TK with an article plan and materials on the topic. His task is to write a unique text using sources. This type of rewriting is closer to copywriting, as often the result is an absolutely original product, with its own examples and personal opinion.
Deep rewriting as a method to minimize content costs

Pros of rewriting for customers:

  1. The speed of the task. The text is written quickly, a specialist will be able to submit a small article in a few hours.
  2. Low price for work. Since there is no need to invent anything new, the average price per text is 100 rubles per 1000 characters.


  1. The generated text will only be unique when validated against special services. It will not have expertise and additional benefit for the reader.
  2. Quality of work. Very often, rewritten sentences look unnatural and are difficult for readers to perceive.

Who is rewriting suitable for?

Who needs rewriting
  1. For beginners. Copywriters are most often hired with experience and a large portfolio. Rewriting will help you get your hand on the stock exchanges, teach you how to correctly formulate offers, make a portfolio.
  2. Informational sites. For example, if a company has a “Blog” section and a plan of articles for it, then it is easier for them to hire a rewriter who, based on the TOR, will make the original text from several sources.
  3. Online stores. As an example, filling out product cards, product characteristics.
  4. For news projects. Most often, the information is already available, you just need to structure it and bring it into a readable form.
  5. For bloggers with information products. Buyers should not have questions about uniqueness, so all guides, checklists need correspondence and editing.
  6. Scientific publications. If a company wants to give information to ordinary users, then you can resort to the services of a rewriter to make a professional article understandable for a reader without special education.

Copywriting definition

What is copywriting

Copywriting is a completely unique, author's text. The specialist does not use additional sources. It is allowed to mention any facts, but together with the expression of one's opinion.

Example: selling post, expert article.

Features of the text written by the copywriter:

  1. Absolute semantic uniqueness.
  2. Expressing your vision on a problem.
  3. Adjust to style. Some bloggers use the services of a copywriter and ask them to write the text in their own style. To do this, it is necessary to study the behavior of the customer, their presentation of information and the specifics of expressing thoughts.

Who is copyright suitable for?

Most often, copywriters are highly specialized specialists and experts in specific areas. For example - in psychology, tourism, seo .. For example, a travel agency to fill instagram or a seo specialist to promote a personal brand.

Copywriting happens:

  1. Commercial. Selling texts are created according to special formulas about the company, products. It is used to advertise a product, sell goods or services.
  2. Speechwriting. Writing speeches for speeches. The services of such writers are used by various media personalities, politicians, influencers and others.
  3. SEO - copywriting. The text is written with the obligatory use of keywords to increase the relevance of the page and promote the site in the TOP of search results.
Who needs copyright?
  1. Social copywriting. Charities and social projects need text writing services.
  2. Informational copywriting. Reviews, analytical summaries and reviews. The expression of expert opinion is very important here, so the specialist must be well versed in the given topic.
  3. Image copywriting. Creation of texts for companies and individuals in order to increase their rating, create a positive image. Includes expert longread articles.

To understand what kind of employee you want to hire to write articles, you need to decide on:

  • budget;
  • terms of reference;
  • information presentation style.

If you need to make a large number of the same type, but original articles, it is best to entrust them to a rewriter. If you need a strong selling text that will take your product to a new level, you cannot do without a copywriter.

When looking for a specialist, pay attention to experience, portfolio and a secure form of payment.


Crocoapps editorial

Crocoapps editorial