Development of a major promotional game on the Unreal Engine for Pringles with the participation of Sergey Lukyanenko

About the project
Our main task was to develop, in a short time, the promotional game “Dreamwalkers”, as well as the creation of a press conference “Museum of Dreams”
Both projects were developed by our professionals on Unreal Engine 4
Technical description
- Genre: 3D adventure and 2D game movie
- Game Engine: Unreal Engine
- Format: 3D
- Localization: absent
- Game Mode: Single Player
- Style: sci-fi and fantasy thriller chase
- Platform: Windows, macOS
Promo games are a relatively new way to promote goods and services. Unlike other types of advertising, they have not yet had time to bore users. Users willingly interact with the brand and generally respond positively to this kind of content.
Promo applications break down barriers to consumption, motivate the target audience to make a purchase. As a result, the volume of sales is growing and the average bill is increasing. The brand gets a loyal audience for a long time. A high virality coefficient significantly increases the profitability of an advertising campaign.
How will this help your business?
- 1. Increase the target audience
- 2. Motivation for certain actions (subscription, purchase, etc.)
- 3. Create the necessary association with the brand
- 4. New product presentation
- 5. Create a viral effect
- 6. Form a need for a product
What tasks were set before us
- Creating a game for holding a real-time press conference for a small circle of listeners
- Creation of a commercial with a complex plot lasting about 20 minutes with the ability to influence what is happening on the screen

Programs and technologies

About the game, as well as shots from the game "Dream Walkers"
The plot of the game takes place in the world of dreams. And anything can happen in dreams... The plot was about stealing a new taste of Pringles. The main characters had to go through tests of 4 elements, fight different monsters in order to return a new taste to humanity.
Location "Underwater base" in the depths of the sea, where the key code is hidden on the bank "Pringles" (with a crab). The brand's products are present on boxes, in the paws of sea monsters, on the sandy bottom, etc.

Core gameplay (gameplay)
The gameplay is a set of quick-time events that occur when watching cut-scenes, of which the whole game essentially consists.
The whole gameplay is to react in time to what is happening on the screen and follow an interesting story with professional voice acting.
The whole game according to the plot revolves around the advertising product and at the end the advertising product is shown to the user from all sides.
Location "Mushroom". Here, too, the brand's products were correctly placed on the elements of the location's environment.
About Pringles Dream Museum
The next stage of the digital project was the organization of a press conference - one of the first in the world, we decided to gather the entire beau monde of gaming and lifestyle journalism, presenters, streamers and authors of the project directly in our game. Her start screen was named "Pringles Dream Museum".
Core gameplay (gameplay)
Our company has developed an interactive free play space where the hero will be able to walk, collect chips, approach the paintings, and also make their content move. Several simple games were created that helped to gain access to the live room where the press conference was held. In them, players were asked to find a jar of crab flavor - for the correct answers they received chips that could be exchanged for a password
At the final stage, the hero watches the online video broadcast and can ask guests questions in the chat. At the end of the conference, music is played for 30 seconds, the screen gradually turns off, the customer's logo appears and a notification about when the blockbuster game will be released. (which we talked about above), and then exits the application by pressing any key
There is also an opportunity to play the game "Hide and Seek", where the player had to follow the brand's animated logos and guess which one of them appears for a fraction of a second the desired taste.
Interesting facts about the project
- 1. The Pringles Dream Museum has developed an art display of Pringles ads from the past 100 years.
- 2. An interactive exposition dedicated to the upcoming blockbuster was also presented, which took players into the world of Dreamwalkers - where they could see "dream paintings" with references to the game
- 3. The first part of the digital activation was the rebroadcasting of live into the game, where journalists as an avatar approached the sphere, which opened up the opportunity to enter the chat and ask a question online.
- 4. The protagonists of the game stream with the press were: KuplinovPlay, a well-known blogger and let's player; ZakMiniMonstr - creator of his own mini-monster comics universe and illustrator who worked with Justin Bieber; Daria Atrashkevich, Corporate Communications Manager at Kellogg's Russia and Ivan Sidenko, our Managing Partner. The author of the game script, science fiction writer Sergey Lukyanenko, also joined the conference.
- 5. Combined, the Pringles press conference live stream and the Dreamwalkers trailer were watched by about two million users (1.4 million watched the press conference live stream and 560 thousand watched the Dreamwalkers teaser)
- 6. Very short deadlines were set for Crocoapps for which it was necessary to implement this project, but our team of professionals responsibly approaches all requirements and created this product on time

Development Team

In the conditions of dynamic development, any company needs to make decisions as quickly as possible. This is helped by a modern, powerful and functional CRM - Apptask.ru. Our studio switched to this service because it allows you to optimize work processes and, as a result, improve the quality of services provided.

Customer feedback

In a short time, we had to implement, in fact, two complex digital projects at the same time. The developers from the Crocoapps studio justified the trust and made an excellent game and presentation without breaking deadlines. Users and influencers praised the finished product. It turned out really bright, memorable. We can proudly say that no one has ever done such a thing in the Russian FMCG market.