Project development time
12 months
Project's budget
$ 89,230
Year of project development
Circus of Wonders is an amazing iOS and Android app for kids.
- Genre: Economic strategy
- Platform: Android
- Localization: Russian language
- Target audience: 6+
- Feature: pay with in-game currency at the circus buffet

Develop a circus simulator that completely imitates the real Moscow circus and all its actors, animals, as well as shows and performances.
Add a lot of interesting mini-games to the game and the ability to change the interface to winter, summer themes.
Create an in-game currency system that can be used to pay for entrance tickets, as well as at the bar and at the box office.

Alexey Naryzhny
Project manager

Alena Kravchenko
2D Artist

Anastasia Manet
UX/UI designer

Vitaly Vitalievich
Game designer

Yaroslav Boyev
Unity C# programmer

Alexander Ruban
Unity C# programmer

Mais Gushkyan
Unity C# programmer

Lebedeva Karina
3D Designer

Murkovich Bogdan
PHP programmer

Volokonsky Maxim
Company Description
The Ivanhoe Theater Company presents a new grandiose project - the Circus of Miracles!
The Circus of Miracles is a unique place where the line between magic and reality is erased, and the spaces of the stage and the auditorium miraculously merge together. Here, each viewer can become a direct participant in the enchanting show and touch the creation of unique miracles!
Administrative panel
Hundreds of customizable settings to manage user data, promo codes, gifts, games, track purchase history.

Interface prototypes
Based on the provided description of the operation of the interface, a list of tasks (user scripts) that the user can perform within the interface was created. The resulting list of steps formed the basis of the interface structure. The number of screens, their summary and position in the overall structure became known. We have made a schematic prototype. In the prototype, functionality is planned, the arrangement of page elements relative to each other.

City interface color prototype

Location of objects on the map

Mini game mockup

Mini game mockup

Mini game mockup
Screen map

All content is designed in two colors. Winter and summer. In terms of development, we first created summer content, and then added snow paraphernalia to it.

mini games
In total, we have implemented twelve mini-games from the classic game Circus. Such as find an object, hit with a hammer, collect prizes, tips, various games for quick wit and attention.

Game currency
An inherently unique monetization system. All earned play money can be exchanged for real prizes in the Moscow circus. For example, you can buy something in a bar, coffee or a toy, you can also buy a ticket to a show, or souvenirs. This approach encourages players to develop the project.
Coins are free currency. Earned in the game.
Tokens - are a paid currency.
The purchase of currency is made for real money.
You can get game currency by exchanging tokens for coins.

A new approach to monetization in 2020, despite the pandemic, has borne fruit, because most people in self-isolation played their favorite games, in the circus they could also earn money for future entertainment.
Building Upgrades
A separate building has been created for each show program. Each building requires a different time to build, and with the help of game currency (tokens), you can complete the building instantly.

Treasure Island

Training complex

Show of illusions

The little prince

A mermaid




All actors and characters are made in cartoon style. Actors participate in performances. Guests visit various attractions, restaurants, museums and performances based on their finances.
The game provides: five types of women, five types of men, ten types of children, five types of tourists, one type of paparazzi. Each type (character) has its own unique differences: physique, height, appearance, clothes and the purpose of visiting the circus.

What tasks were set at the start of the project?
Create an advertising game like a "farm" and circus shows repeating the real ones, to increase sales of the Moscow circus, due to an unusual monetization system.
What was the most difficult part of the project?
Connect and make friends with each other several ecosystems, such as a website, an administrative panel, a game, a shared server, 1C.
Customer feedback
We express our gratitude to the entire staff of the Crocoapps studio for the joint work on the mobile application "Circus of Wonders". Special thanks to the development department represented by Alexander Ruban for the high quality standards of work.
Gorbunov M.A.