Development of the aggregator
Project's budget $ 53,846
Time spent on the project 6 months
Year of development 2020
The aggregator is aimed at the audience of the b2b agricultural market, where companies involved in various areas, such as logistics, production and processing, will be able to find contact with each other several times faster than they do now. The site is also attractive because it allows any company, regardless of its size and location, to find a connection with its potential customers.
Potential coverage of the entire b2b agricultural market
Simplify communication between seller and buyer
Possibility of real-time monitoring of the activities of companies
Implement a platform for the provision of services in the agricultural sector, taking into account the specific features of the market.
We were faced with the task of creating a platform with unique functionality while maintaining the corporate identity. It was also necessary to provide for a high degree of data protection. After brainstorming, they chose Laravel as a PHP framework and Vue.js on the front.

Wholesale base of building materials. Provision of warehousing and logistics services.

Our command
We were faced with the task of creating a website with unique functionality while maintaining the corporate identity. It was also necessary to provide a high degree of data protection.
Project manager
PHP Developer
Polar Rush
Front developer
PHP Developer
Front developer
QA tester
User story
Create a company and add employees
Assigning roles to employees
Chat between seller and customer
Making a deal
First of all, this is the only modern platform in its field. The ability to publish not only supply lots, but also demand, the ability to monitor with notifications. Our designers have tried to make the process of solving the problems of buying and selling using the service much faster and more convenient.

Project description
Site aggregator in the agricultural industry. Functional and modern site. For example, the chat automatically groups all users who contact you by lots. One of the features is the observer mode - the company administrator always sees the correspondence of responsible employees by lot, which saves a lot of time on internal communication, because the manager is always aware of current affairs. In addition, it allows the owner of the lot to quickly respond to possible shortcomings in the description. The second feature is the ads in the chat. The owner of the lot can write a message to all interested parties at once, while group chats will not be created.
Convenient interface
Working with goods and services is always accompanied by both media files demonstrating the subject of conversation, and document flow. We tried to eliminate the need for the user of our site to switch between different services and provided the ability to quickly access all the necessary materials using a simple and convenient interface.
One of the complex modules was monitoring. A successful attempt to collect a whole range of solutions into one entity, many different details, selection options, both separately rendered and connected into one, posed a difficult task for the team. But we did!

The Pole website is an effective tool that facilitates communication in the b2b agricultural market, allowing you to establish almost instant contact between the buyer and the seller.
Acting as a key link in a complex chain of interaction leading to the sale and purchase of goods, the provision of services, the website greatly simplifies the search for what you need, increasing the efficiency of sales of companies in the field.
Go to the site

What technologies were affected during development?
PHP with Laravel framework is used on the server side, data is stored in MySQL BD. Client-side JavaScript with the Nuxt.js framework. For interactivity of such applications as chat, monitoring of lots and companies, we used Redis and Echo server on websockets.
What was the most time spent on?
A lot was spent on the Notice Board, since it was originally planned that it would be a separate functionality, and later, on the advice of the developers themselves and with your consent, all similar pages were merged with the board, which of course had a positive effect on usability and site mapping for clients. The new design of this part of the application has also slightly but still made its own adjustments.
Were there any difficulties in writing the project?
Well, where without them, of course, they were) but the Internet or our ubiquitous team leader always comes to the rescue. The main problems arose when creating a chat taking into account the statuses sent, delivered, read, send documents both from the user's profile and from the computer. Registration of new companies also turned out to be a non-trivial task. By the way, many tasks related to third-party APIs traditionally took time, but as far as I know, all tasks were invested in the deadline.
Отзыв заказчика

Customer feedback
We express our gratitude to the AppFox studio for developing our multifunctional platform for entrepreneurs. The site fully meets the initial requirements. It is clear, convenient and useful for users. The work was carried out quickly, without a hitch. All participants in the process showed a high level of professionalism.
Vyacheslav I.
May 30, 2022